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See what is possible with Objectverse

Buttons and Hotspots

Control various interactions within the 3D experience with customised buttons and hotspots.

UI Elements

Add custom UI elements like videos, images, text and buttons. UI elements also support embedded content and 3rd party features like forms and payments.


Choose your brand colours for text, buttons, hotspots and other interactive elements. Add your logo to make an unique branded 3D experience.

3D Model Variants and Animations

Change textures/colours and add animations to your 3D model.

Audio Narration

Add voiceover to guide your users within 3D interactive experience. Choose chapters allowing voiceover to control various interactive elements automatically.

Virtual Reality

Enhance your 3D interactive experience with Virtual Reality. Great way to explore 3D environments like galleries, interiors and larger 3D scenes.

Augmented Reality

Allow your customers to preview your 3D interactive models in their space with Objectverse Augmented Reality solutions.

Updates And Upgrades

Peace of mind with constant updates and upgrades to make sure your interactive 3D experience is running smoothly on all browsers and compatible devices.

Share Anywhere

Seamless embedding into websites and 3rd party platforms


Internal (Objectverse) and external (Google) metrics available to measure user engagement.

Marketing and Sales Tools Integration

With Objectverse you can connect 3rd party marketing and sales tools to enhance your campaigns and sales.

Multilanguage Selector

Create different language versions to enhance customer experience in different regions.


We invite forward-thinking organisations and individuals to become part of our collaborative ecosystem.

Get Started

Are you interested in exploring options and potential ways to implement the Spatial Web technology for your business?
